Gray Sparkle Quartz Fish White Quartz Backsplash Floor

Sparkle 石英

 3011 Fish White

设计基础:Sparkle系列石英完成:抛光;磨练;皮革;产品应用:预制台面; 厨房台面; 浴室台面; 梳妆台面; 桌面;边缘类型:方形抛光;奥吉; 1/4 轮;1/4 轮 T&B; 半牛鼻;全牛鼻; 1/4 斜面;1/4 斜面 T&B; 1/2 斜面;黛米;
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Vincent Manager

+86 150 8034 1449


3011 Fish White Gray Sparkle Quartz countertops Supplier

   Sparkle Quartz Fish White is a specially treated artificial quartz stone that differs from other series in that it has a more sparkling appearance. these Quartz impart a sense of depth and texture when installed on the walls, Flooring, Countertops etc. They can be used to create stunning wall pieces and basin backsplashes in your bathrooms and kitchen. These Quartz work extremely well in areas that remain in contact with moisture owing to their germ-free and moisture resistance properties.
GOLDTOP Stone是石英石的领先供应商,现在我们根据客户的设计拥有200 +多种常见颜色和特殊颜色,我们的石英石出口到美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,英国,德国......超过20个国家。现在,GOLDTOP Stone已被公认为中国最好的石英石供应商之一。
GOLDTOP QUARTZ已通过SGS、IAF、CE和NSF认证,是一种安全产品,可用于直接接触式食品变焦。我们严格的质量控制体系确保客户收到的每块板坯都具有正确的质量。我们期待与来自世界各地的客户建立长期和专业的业务关系。欢迎访问GOLDTOP QUARTZ。

3011 Fish White
3011 Fish White
3011 Fish White


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